I am not a blogger. To be fully honest I don't have enough time to devote to it but I feel now is the time that I should do something about an injustice that has been done to me and my fellow graphic designers - the legitimate and honest ones among them at least.
Two years ago, I discovered that an online company selling website templates had ripped off two of my designs. The company was www.designgalaxy.net and even though my work was nothing innovative from a design point of view, I was very proud of my hard work and excited to be earning money doing what I liked doing best; design.
I contacted them, and formally asked that the ripped off designs be stopped and removed from circulation. The owner of the company replied to me, a Mr. Paul Viluda, and threatened me by counter suing and other vile taunts. I was not intimidated but seeing as the company, Vilords Media (owner and operator of www.designgalaxy.net) was located in Slovakia, I was unable to do anything.
Now a new scandal has erupted where another company under the ownership of Paul Viluda and Vilords Media, has again been accused and proven to be stealing logo concepts and designs from some of the well respected members of the design community. Not to mention Multinational companies like Apple.
This company is www.Logomaid.com and Logomaid steals logos.
What does Logomaid do? They "design" and sell "logo templates". Logo templates are cheap quality logo designs that are intended to be used for any company or event. A look at Logomaid's site will reveal that they have hundreds, if not thousands, of logo templates for sale. But as this scandal has shown, there is a chance that potentially any one of them (if not a large part) is copied and stolen from other designers and artists. Some so blatantly that it is a 100% ripoff.
I will document the erupted scandal here and hopefully have the time and energy to monitor logomaid to prevent them from stealing any other works of art.